Our officers
Our board members share one thing in common: a keen love for boating. They meet every 4 months and through a majority vote, make informed decisions that directly benefit our members.
Their mandate: Promote our favourite pastime across Canada, ensure our precious waterways are respected by all and create a real sense of community within a vast family of recreational boaters.

Cynthia Bélanger
Officer since 2019
Fanatical sailor
Cynthia Bélanger has been plying the waters of the St. Lawrence River for over 15 years – as well as those along the U.S. east coast. She knows Lake Champlain like the back of her hand and as far as she’s concerned, any day is a good day to go sailing. During a sabbatical year, Cynthia sailed from Quebec to the Bahamas via Rhode Island. Now as a member of the Club APRIL Marine board, Cynthia lends her invaluable financial expertise to supporting the Club’s goal of making the most of membership fees to make our member’s lives as easy as possible.

Luc Bernuy
Officer since 2015
Nautical consultant, teacher & author
Luc Bernuy has never really left the sailboat that carried him to the crystal-blue waters of the Bahamas back in 1976. Since this life-altering trip, Luc has generously shared his extraordinary passion, discoveries and experiences with the entire boating community. He takes immense pride in helping budding sailors make their dreams come true. As a board member, Luc is focused on keeping Club APRIL Marine’s 2 key values on course: proactivity and pleasure!

Bernard Fortin
Officer since 2019
Seasoned global sailor
Bernard Fortin is an insurance specialist and the former president of CONAM. He has also been boating for over 30 years – 20 of which on his own sailboat. When not directly watching over the safety of Club APRIL Marine members, Bernard is out sailing, either on Lake Ontario or the turquoise waters of the Bahamas. This long-time cruiser and avid sailor loves exploring both inland and international waters, meeting plenty of great navigators along the way. Bernard is now keen to share his extensive know-how with the entire boating community.
Want to get more involved in boating and feel you have something to contribute to our board? Volunteer as a board member!